When you add a sound file, the sound settings panel will automatically open so you can choose the best adjustments that fit your audio needs.
a. Adjust soundtrack volume
Use the slider or enter a numeric percentage value to balance the volume level you want to apply to the selected audio. You will find this very useful when you're using more than one sound in the same wideo.
It's recommended to use a lower volume level for the background music when you use a voiceover.
b. Audio duration
Here you will see the selected audio length.
c. Change start time or end time
It is very common in a video to need the voiceover not to start in the very first frame of your video. You can set the exact moment in which you want the audio to start and stop reproducing.
You can also opt for the audio to end before the end of the wideo, to do that, adjust the end time parameter.
Notice that by default, if your original audio duration is the same as the wideo length, each time you add a new scene, Wideo automatically adjusts the sound so you don't have to worry about it.
d. Loop audio
When you insert a soundtrack that is shorter than your wideo length, the loop setting is enabled by default, to make your wideo have music from the start to end.
You can turn off the automatic loop setting here if you need to.
Notice that the loop won't be able to turn on if the original audio is already longer than the wideo and if the end time is shorter than the original audio length.
e. Fade out
By default, your audio will smoothly fade out at the end of your wideo, but you can disable it here if you want the audio to stop without a fade effect.