HubSpot & Canva integrations
We love to partner and integrate with other technologies and useful tools to give you more video creation facilities.
Export your Canva designs to your wideos
Adding new fonts
Now you can install any Google Font to your Wideo editor to use it in your wideos, choosing from thousands of font options.
New object toolbar location
We know the object toolbar used to get on your way in the working area. That's why now by default you will find it fixed in the upper section of the editor, but you can also unlock it to make it work as it used to be if that's your preference.
Team collaboration is here!
Now you can create a Work Team and share permissions to edit your wideos, media, and scenes in order to collaborate and make the video creation process more agile and easy.
Sharing a wideo with a team member
Sharing media with team members (images, footage, backgrounds, sounds)
Sharing scenes with team members